5 Essential Tips to Avoid the Hangover this Summer 🍹

5 Essential Tips to Avoid the Hangover this Summer 🍹

It is a challenge to avoid drinking altogether over the summer. We are tempted by vacations, lenient schedules, and frozen drinks topped with an umbrella or chilled glasses to drink from in the summer heat. 

It took me some time to realize that I was no longer in my twenties after a few hard lessons of being hungover. The recovery took much longer and the symptoms were much worse. I decided to experiment with more efficient ways to enjoy occasional drinks. Disclosure, I do not typically drink a lot but have learned over time the value of quality over quantity.

Here are 5 tips to help you evade the dreaded hangover.

#1 Prep Ahead of Time - Food, Water, Supplements

One of the best ways to avoid a hangover is to prepare your body before you even take the first sip of alcohol. We all know that eating a meal is important before heading out to drink. It will help slow down alcohol absorption and provide your body with the necessary nutrients to metabolize the alcohol effectively. But additionally, make sure you are hydrated. Hydrant* is my favorite sugar-free electrolyte option. Also, consider taking a supplement to support your body's natural detoxification process. I typically take activated charcoal* and rotate other supplements like purple tree*, blowfish*, or flyby*. Do your own research before buying any supplements.
*affiliate links

#2 Avoid the Sugar and Additives

My worst hangovers have come from alcohol mixed with sugar. Headaches that felt like migraines. Sugary cocktails may taste delicious, but you need to avoid them. When alcohol is combined with high sugar content, it can lead to rapid spikes and crashes in your blood sugar levels, leaving you feeling even worse the next day. Keep the mixer simple with club soda. Look carefully at the ingredients of the drinks and ask the bartender to limit the sugar by asking for no or light "agave" or "sugar". 

#3 Drink Clean Wines

Be mindful of wines. They can sometimes give you the most painful hangovers. Why? Additives, preservatives, and toxins are hiding in some wines. It doesn't matter how expensive the wine is. The industry is slowly being dominated by big corporations leaving the small organic wineries with little market share. Wine bottles do not require a nutrition label or an ingredients label. Also, many grapes carry pesticides. This is why I order and drink Dry Farm Wines (organic, sugar-free, and lab-tested for purity). When you switch to clean wines you will notice a difference.

#4 Choose Clear Drinks

I had no idea but the color of alcoholic beverages can significantly impact the severity of your hangover. Darker liquors such as whiskey, red wine, and brandy contain more congeners, which are byproducts of the fermentation process. Congeners can intensify hangover symptoms. Clear liquors like vodka, gin, blanco tequila, and white rum have fewer congeners, making them a better choice if you want to minimize the risk of a hangover. Mix them with soda water or a splash of fresh juice for a lighter and less potent drink. Many of you know my go-to is Danos Tequila with soda and lime. Choose blanco for fewer congeners.

#5 Learn to Say No

As we get older, the power of saying no can be liberating. We should all be past the days of peer-pressure drinking. With age comes wisdom, independence, and confidently saying no without judgment. Don't feel pressured to keep up with others' drinking pace or indulge in every round of shots. Sometimes the best way to avoid a hangover is to know your limits and practice moderation. Listen to your body and know when it's time to quit.

Your Mornings Will Thank You!

Remember, you can still have a great time at social events without overindulging in alcohol. Sip your drinks slowly, savor the flavors, and focus on the conversations and experiences rather than the quantity of alcohol consumed. 
By following these five essential tips - preparing ahead of time, avoiding sugary drinks, drinking clean wine, opting for clear liquors, and learning to say no - you can have a "memorable" time without the hangover aftermath.
Remember, it's all about balance, moderation, and taking care of your body. Cheers to a fantastic summer!


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