The 5 Types of Friends You Absolutely Need in Your Life

The 5 Types of Friends You Absolutely Need in Your Life

In the spirit of Galentines ❤️ and celebrating friendships, let's focus on the different types of friends you need in your life. It's true that people come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime, but no matter the situation, I have learned, over the years, that some friendships are essential in your life (just like some are not essential). 

Here are the 5 Types of Friends You Need in Your Life.

1. The friend that knows your past

A friend that knows your past can be fun and nostalgic. It can also bring back painful memories. Regardless of the situation, this friendship will keep you grounded so you never forget where you came from. Sometimes, as we grow in life, pursue passions, raise our families, and explore new places and mindsets, having someone who knew us back when we were unjaded is essential. Someone who can remind us of our resilience, playfulness, and ambitions growing up. A friend who knows our history, good and bad, and what shaped us today. It's easy to have forgotten our true selves when we were younger (with all our outside influences). This friend is there to tell it like it is—no sugarcoating.

2. The friend that knows your present

Just as much as a friend who knows your past, a friend who understands your current state and can relate to your life today is priceless. We are not the same person as in the past and will not be the same person ten years from now. This type of friend is usually here for a season, albeit a long one sometimes. This friend is there if you get married, have kids, get divorced, start a new job, or move to a new city. We tend to have a larger group of friends who know our present situation on the surface, but few truly understand our deeper present life. You go to this friend most for advice, help, or guidance. They know your spouse, kids, job, struggles, losses, and wins. They know you - today.

3. The friend that fills your void

Do you need to be a better cook? Do you need fashion advice? Do you need help with your business? Do you want to be more active? Are you not very social? Do you need help organizing? Are you struggling as a new mom?

A friend who fills your void is essential to help you in areas where you could be more robust. We need that friend to show us the way. Everyone has expertise in certain areas, and we can lean into those friendships where we need to improve. If you have noticed that you attract opposites in your life, it may be to fill a void. If you are introverted and attract extroverted friendships, pay attention to where that can help you.

4. The friend that supports your dreams

Sometimes, we all have wild dreams and goals. Thinking about achieving those goals can be exciting yet scary. It is worse when others make you feel it is impossible or not worth it. The intimidation will sometimes keep us stuck. Our family may even believe our goals are unattainable, but we have that friend who not only supports our dreams but has the vision to see what we sometimes cannot. This friend is our cheerleader, always encouraging and motivating us. She helps us to believe in our dreams when we get unmotivated and fearful. This friend is free of judgment and is usually a high achiever who builds a tribe of positivity.

5. The friend that is like family

This friend is usually with you for a lifetime. Therefore, they are like family, with you till the end. You love and fight like family. You feel the comfort of home with this friend. You play together, travel together, cry together, plan together. Your kids act like siblings together. Your spouses understand the special bond. This friend is there through the good and the bad. They know your struggles and your kids' struggles. They know your wins and your kids' wins. They come to games, awards, graduations, and birthdays. This friend helps through injuries, illnesses, and significant life changes. Proximity is important, so hopefully, this friend lives close to you as long as possible.

If you lack any of these types of friends, seek them out.

If you have them, appreciate them. You are lucky!

If you've lost them, search for a new one.




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