From Chaos to Clarity: One Year of Organizing Hacks for a Stress-Free Home

From Chaos to Clarity: One Year of Organizing Hacks for a Stress-Free Home

Spring is here. Do you really want to spend that time organizing your house? Arguably spring cleaning is outdated and unsustainable! Traditionally it's a time when people open their windows, let the fresh air in, and give their homes a deep clean after a long winter. But in today's modern world, it is much more complex. I understand the need to get everything done at once and start fresh but it can be daunting and exhausting. You try to cram it all in and then realize that not everyone in your house (spouse, kids, pets) has the same motivation to stay organized throughout the year. So what should you do instead?

The Marathon Vs Sprint

I've been there before. Trying to force in as much organizing and cleaning in a short period of time. I thought that if I organize a space once a year it would stay just as I left it. I would also "sprint" organize anytime my spouse and/or kids were out of town. It was effective but never lasted long. The reality is that other people live in my house, and most likely yours. If you happen to live with an organized clan, you can skip the rest and I am happy for you (but also a little jealous). Most of us have busy homes with kids, pets, friends, guests, dinners, playdates, holidays, and parties. All of that gets in the way of organizing. We have children that grow faster than their belongings can keep up. Truthfully, organizing is not in all of us. Not everyone that I live with cares as much as I do. I love organizing, hate clutter, and long for a strategy that isn't going to consume me.

Enter 52 Weeks of Organization

The idea of cleaning every nook and cranny of your home quickly can be daunting, especially if you have a busy schedule or a large home. I decided to look at a full-year calendar instead and realized that I can small chunk my cleaning and organizing throughout the year. I made a goal of one area per week. How big or small the area is depended on my schedule. 

I found that using a 52-week organizational system can help you break down your cleaning and organizing tasks into manageable chunks. Instead of trying to tackle everything at once. And it works.

How Does it Work?

You can focus on one area of your home each week, such as your closet, pantry, or garage. If time is an issue, you can focus on just one thing, say one nightstand in your bedroom one week and another the next. Kids shoes one week, junk drawer the next. It can be anything you want it to be. Just make it doable and not overwhelming to your schedule. By spreading out your tasks over the course of the year, you'll maintain a cleaner and more organized home. You may have to repeat high-traffic or high-use areas throughout the year.

Building Habits

Another advantage of using a 52-week organizational system is that it helps you build sustainable habits. Instead of relying on the motivation and energy that comes with the start of spring, you'll be developing a routine that you can maintain over time. By focusing on one area of your home each week, you'll build habits that can last a lifetime. These habits may include decluttering regularly, creating designated spaces for items, and making cleaning a part of your daily routine. Maybe even your family will get on board. Involve them in the process.

Where to start?

Here are some time tips to get started.

  • Schedule it. Every week. Put it on your calendar.
  • If possible, plan the whole year. Set it and forget it.
  • Repeat areas throughout the year, especially high-traffic or high-use
  • Declutter and designate spaces for items to make it easier each time

By using a 52-week organizational system, you can break down your cleaning and organizing tasks into manageable chunks, build sustainable habits, and maintain a cleaner, more organized home all year round. Give it a try!

If you need help planning your 52 weeks of organization you can search for a template online or purchase the one I use. 

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